
  A. empty and silent B. crowded and full C. noisy and silent

  第二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)



  21. He _____ abroad twice a year.

  A. travelled B. will travel C travels D is travelling

  22. It ________ millions of pages of data.

  A. makes up B. is consisted of C. makes up of D. consists of

  23. ---_____ Lucy recently?

  ---No, but I went to a party with her on Friday afternoon.

  A. Had you met B. Have you met C. Do you meet D. Are you meeting

  24. –The film is not interesting at all.

  --Why? It is _____ than the films I have ever seen.

  A. far interesting B. much less interesting

  C. far more interesting D. much interesting

  25. I am ____ to know that you have made such ____ progress in English recently.

  A. amazing; amazed B. amazing; amazing

  C. amazed; amazed D. amazed; amazing

  26. ________ it is to climb the mountain in the beautiful season!

  A.What a fun B. What fun C. How fun D. How a fun

  27. I have to go to work on foot because my car_____ at the garage.

  A. is being repaired B. is repaired C. will be repaired D. has been repaired

  28.She is very strict--we don’t dare to say a word _______ she asks us to.

  A. after B. when C. unless D. even

  29.Would you mind if I _______ the radio?

  A. turn up B. turning up C. turned up D. had turned up

  30. --______the climate like?

  --Pretty hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in winter.

  A. How is B. What is C. What does D. How does

  31. This is something I will ______ in my next article.

  A. talk B. cover C. refer D. concentrate

  32. Ms Shen’s method of teaching is ____ that of the teachers at my Junior High School.

  A. nothing like B. none like C. nothing as D. not as

  33. Wang Zhengliang sang a song at the 2014 Spring Festival Gala _____ Where Has the Time Gone, which moved the audience to tears.

  A. calling B. called C. to call D. being called

  34. I would rather work late into the night_____ have a rest leaving the work unfinished.

  A. than B. and C. but D. or

  35.The Internet is a huge computer system which allows millions of people around the world____ information.

  A. to share B. sharing C. share D. shared



  In a tree in a jungle(丛林), there once lived many birds. They were 36 in their small nests and sang every day. Before the rainy season 37 , all the animals in the jungle 38 their homes. The birds also made their homes safer.

  Many birds used twigs (细枝) and leaves and others wove their nests. “We should also 39 some food for our children," said one of the birds. And they 40 food until they had enough to see them through the rainy season. They kept themselves busy 41 the bad times.

  Soon the 42 came. It was followed by thunder(雷) and lightning. All the animals and birds stayed at their homes. It kept raining for many 43 . One day, a monkey 44 in the rain came into the jungle. He sat on a branch, 45 with cold.

  The poor monkey tried his best to get a place, but 46 . The leaves were not enough to save him from the rain. "Brrr! It is so 47 ! " said the monkey. The birds were 48 all this. They felt sorry for the monkey, but there was 49 they could do for him. One of them said, ¨Brother! Our small nests are not 50 enough to give you shelter." Another bird said, "All of us 51 for the rainy season. If you had, you would not be in this difficult situation .

  " How dare you tell me what to do?" said the monkey, 52 at the bird. The monkey 53 hit the bird's nest, tore and threw it on the ground. The bird and her babies were 54 .

  The poor bird thought,“Fools never value(重视) good 55 . It is better not to advise them.”

  36. A. happy B. embarrassed C. enthusiastic D. disappointed

  37. A. followed B. arrived C. changed D. went

  38. A. repaired B. loved C. increased D. left

  39. A. buy B. borrow C. store D. steal

  40.A. corrected B. abandoned C. collected D. organized

  41. A.looking forward to B. getting ready for

  C. coming up with D. taking care of

  42. A rain B. sun C. snow D. cloud

  43. A. hours B. days C. years D. minutes

  44. A. tall B. big C. dry D. wet

  45. A. laughing B. shaking C. starving D. disappearing

  46.A. failed B. won C. lost D. succeeded

  47.A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold

  48. A. enjoying B. avoiding C. watching D. respecting

  49. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. much

  50. A. comfortable B. big C. heavy D. attractive

  51.A. looked B. designed C. trained D. prepared

  52. A. smiling B. shouting C. praising D. bothering

  53. A. bravely B. patiently C. exhaustedly D. angrily

  54. A. energetic B. helpless C. pleased D. relaxed

  55. A. advice B. experience C. friendship D. event




  About eight years ago, I was a new teacher in the local women's prison(监狱), where most of the prisoners were drug users. During one of my classes, a woman was crying. Her 17-year-old daughter had been ill. She wanted to see her, but she had no way to get to the hospital 30miles away. Having a daughter at the same age, I applied(申请) to drive the woman to the hospital .Finally I was allowed to go together with her for three hours on the following Saturday.

  We were both in good spirits when we arrived at the hospital. Her daughter was in a worse situation than either of us could imagine. She couldn't recognize her mother. I encouraged the mother to hold her daughter's hands, touch her face and talk to her softly. Also, I sang some of the songs I used to sing to my daughter. The mother was in a deep state of depression and hopelessness. She wept(哭泣), and I held her silently in my arms.

