
  A few weeks later, I learned that her daughter had passed away. That Saturday was the last time her mother had seen her. By helping them, I also learnt something important. That afternoon, I was reminded never to take those I love for granted. Love and value them right now.

  56. Why was the woman crying in the class?

  A. No one helped her daughter.

  B. She couldn’t see her daughter.

  C. Her daughter died in the hospital.

  D. She couldn’t find a good doctor for her daughter.

  57. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

  A. How the doctors tried their best to save the girl.

  B. What a terrible situation the daughter was in.

  C. What the author did to help the woman at the hospital.

  D. How the author felt at the hospital.

  58. What does the underlined phrase “passed away” in the last paragraph mean?

  A. died B. wounded C. recovered D. crashed

  59. The author’s help was so important to the woman because_____.

  A. her arrival could help to save her daughter.

  B. her daughter woke up to greet her.

  C. it was the last time she had seen her daughter.

  D. her daughter let her realize her mistake.

  60. What did the author learn from this experience?

  A. Everyone should help those who need help.

  B. Always love and value those we love.

  C. Mothers have the duty to protect their children.

  D. Taking drugs can do great harm to people.


  In the past, many people depended on horses for transportation(运输), farming and other kinds of work. Nowadays a lot of people still like to ride horses. So it is not surprising that many expressions about it are still used by Americans today.

  Long ago, people who were rich or important rode horses that were very tall. Today, if a girl is too proud and looks down upon others, you might say she should "get off her high horse."

  Last night, I got a telephone call while I was watching my favorite television show. I decided not to answer it because "wild horses could not drag me away" from the television -- there was nothing that could stop me from doing what I wanted to do.

  Sometimes you get information "straight from the horse's mouth." It comes directly from the person who knows most about the subject and is the best source. Let us say your teacher tells you there is going to be a test tomorrow. You could say you got the information "straight from the horse's mouth." However, you would not want to call your teacher a horse!

  You may have heard this expression: "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink." That means you can give someone advice but you cannot force him to do something he does not want to do.

  In politics, a "dark-horse candidate" is someone who is not well known to the public. Sometimes, a dark horse unexpectedly wins an election(选举).

  Another piece of advice is "do not change horses in midstream." You would not want to get off one horse and on to another in the middle of a river. Or make major changes in an activity that has already begun.

  61. What does the underlined word “it” mean in the first paragraph?

  A. the horse B. riding horses C. raising horses D. horse racing

  62. The expression “get off her high horse” is used for a girl____.

  A. who has a lot of money B. who is cleverer than others

  C. who thinks she is better than anyone else D. who is respected by others

  63. What can we learn about the news “ straight from the horse’s mouth”?

  A. It is very hard to get the news.

  B. The news will be true and reliable(可靠的).

  C. The person who gives the news is called a horse.

  D. The news is a lie and can’t be trusted.

  64. Which of the following can describe a person who wins an election unexpectedly?

  A. do not change horses in midstream B. wild horses could not drag me away

  C. dark-horse candidate D. get off her high horse

  65. What’s the best title of the passage?

  A.The horse is a kind of useful animal. B.The expressions used by Americans.

  C.Some expressions about the horse D. It is popular to use the word “horse”


  In many high schools, there are strict rules about using mobile phones. If your phone rings in class, for example, the teacher will be very angry.

  Every mobile phone has a ringtone(铃声). It tells you that someone is calling you. Now, there is a ringtone called “mosquitotone(蚊子铃声)”. Using it, students can receive calls and text messages(短信) in class but the teacher will not realize what is happening. How?

  Mosquitotone has a special sound. Only children and teenagers can hear it. As we get older, we are unable to hear some sounds with high frequencies(频率). As a result, a child or teenager can hear the mosquitotone ringtone, but it’s inaudible to someone who is 20 or older.

  But sometimes, people over 20 can hear the ringtone. One British student’s phone uses mosquitotone. In class, the student’s phone rang. The 32-year-old teacher looked at the student and became unhappy. “I heard that. You know the rule: no mobile phone in class.”

  Not all the students are interested in mosquitotone. Jerry Jones, a high school student of 17, says, “Using mosquitotone too often is bad for our hearing. I may use it for pleasure, but not in class. It’s unfair to the teachers!”

  What do parents think of mosquitotone? “I think it is perfect for places like movie theaters.” says Connie Neeson, 44. “Think about it. You’re watching a film and someone’s mobile phone rings. Mosquitotone is good because many people don’t hear it. However, it also has a bad influence on their study if students use it in class.”

  66. Mosquitotone works because _________.

