
  第三节 写作:(25分)


  Dear Li Hua,

  My name is Martha. I’m 16 years old and I live in New York. I’m in tenth grade in Senior High school. My favorite subjects are history and Spanish. I’m also studying Chinese in evening class.

  I’m writing to teenagers all over the world. I have some questions about your first year at Senior High school.Would you mind answering the questions for me?

   What is your first impression of your Senior High school?

   What is your impression of your English teacher?

   What is your English class like?

  I’m looking forward to your reply.







  Dear Martha,


  Best wishes.


  Li Hua



  1-5 : CBCCC  6 -10: BACAB 11-15: CC BBA 16-20: A C AAB

  21-25 CDBCD 26-30 BACCB 31-35 BABAA 36-40 ABACC

  41-45 BABDB 46-50 ADCAB 51-55 DBDBA 56-60 BCACB

  61-65 ACBCC 66-70 DBDAC 71-75 CBCDC


  1.behaviour/behavior 2.creating 3. afford 4. ordinary 5.experts


  1. lakes.

  2. In a famous lake called Loch Ness in the highlands of Scotland./

  In the Loch Ness in (the highlands of) Scotland.

  In the Loch Ness

  3. It had a very big body and a small head, but no legs (and it moved like a snake.)

  4. They hope that they can see Nessie./ They visit it in the hope of seeing Nessie.

  5. They are all sure that a kind of large animal lives in that lake.



  23—25 分 逻辑清晰, 表达准确流畅,能够有效应用较复杂语法结构和较高级词汇(复合句、常用句型、短语、关联词), 书写好,卷面整洁清晰,基本无错。


  20—22 分 逻辑清晰,表达准确,能够有效应用较复杂语法结构和较高级词汇(复合句、常用句型、短语、关联词), 书写好,卷面整洁清晰,有较少表达错误,但表意清楚。


  17—19 分 逻辑清晰,表达基本准确,能够适当运用较复杂语法结构和较高级词汇,有一些表达错误,但不影响表意。


  14—16 分 基本符合逻辑,表达错误较多,但仍可读,表意基本清楚,能够完成试题规定的任务。


  9—13 分 表达错误很多,只有少数句子正确(3个左右),内容与提示内容相符。


  5—8 分 表达错误很多,几乎无对句,仅有与提示内容有关的词语可读。

  另:1. 没写完,但基本写够8行且语句基本通顺,可给15—17 分

  2. 没写完,仅写了与提示内容相符的两三句话但都正确,可给8分左右。

  3. 抄写阅读理解或者其它与提示无关内容,0分。


  第一部分 听力(共三节,满分30分)



  1. What does the man want?

  A. Some stamps. B. A telephone number. C. The location of the post office.

  2. Where are the speakers?

  A. In the open air. B. In the bookshop. C. In a restaurant.

  3. Who can keep the students awake in class?

  A. Mr. Jackson. B. Mr. Butler. C. Mr. Bucher.

  4. What are the speakers talking about?

  A.A physics exam. B. An experiment. C. A health exam.

  5. Why did the man visit the woman?

  A. To say sorry to her. B. To borrow some milk C. To help cook a meal.




  6. Where is the woman working?

  A. In a restaurant. B. In a bookstore. C. In a post office.

  7. What do we know about the man?

  A. He is quite lazy. B. He can’t afford to play golf.

  C. He is busy preparing for his examination.

  8. What does the woman enjoy doing on weekends?

  A. Watching TV. B. Reading. C. Working.


  9. What is the man probably doing?

  A. Buying a car. B. Having his car repaired. C. Renting a car.

  10. What is he asked to do before he leaves?

  A. Have a careful look at the car.

  B. Pay for the small scratch (刮痕) he’s caused.

  C. Write down his address on the form.

  11. What surprised the man?

  A. The small scratch. B. The inside of the car. C. The full tank(油箱) of gas.


  12. Who is the man?

  A. A history teacher. B. A foreign student. C. A worker.

  13. Why does he like the apartment?

  A. It’s very quiet. B. It’s quite big. C. It’s near where he works.

  14. What will the woman do next?

  A. Say goodbye to the man. B. Clean the kitchen.

  C. Get the man to sign an agreement.


  15. What’s the conversation mainly about?

  A. The hardships of raising children. B. How to raise kids.

  C. Being childless or not.

  16. What’s the woman’s opinion?

  A. She would prefer not to have children. B. She wants to have a child immediately.

  C. She would rather listen to her husband.

  17. What does the man think of raising children?

  A. A child may destroy a couple’s happiness.

  B. A child can help keep a family together.

  C. It takes a lot of time and energy.



