
更新于:2021年05月09日 初中学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级英语 >

  But it was his mother’s microscope that interested him. Because he was able to use it to watch small and beautiful things . When the other boys were playing with balls, little Bentley was studying the things like drops of water, flowers and snowflakes. Bentley loved watching snowflakes. For the next two years, young Bentley spent many winter days in a cold room watching them through the microscope.

  The boy thought they were so beautiful that he started to draw pictures of them. But there were so many snowflakes that he couldn’t draw them all.

  How could he keep their beauty forever? Bentley thought of buying a camera.

  The boy and his mother asked his father to buy one. But his father didn’t agree. He thought the whole thing was a bad idea. He thought the only thing a farmer should do was farming.

  But finally Bentley did get a camera. For more than a year he tried to take pictures of snowflakes. On January 15, 1885, during a snowstorm, Bentley took the first ever photo of a snowflake with his camera. “It was the greatest moment of my life,” Bentley said later.

  For 13 years, Bentley worked quietly and took thousands of photos of snowflakes. Later he became known as “Snowflake” Bentley.

  61. Bentley wanted to get a camera because .

  A. he wanted to keep snowflakes beautiful forever

  B. he wanted to take photos for his family and friends

  C. his mother encouraged him to do more scientific studies

  D. he wanted to record the beauty of snowflakes

  62. We can know from the story that “microscope” means _______.

  A. 反光镜 B. 显微镜

  C. 镜面 D. 凸透镜

  63. Which of the following about Bentley is TRUE?

  A. He didn’t get any kind of education as a child.

  B. He was born in a rich family.

  C. He was the first person to take photos of snowflakes.

  D. He was very interested in microscope.

  64. What kind of person do you think Wilson Bentley was?

  A. He was outgoing. B. He was too serious.

  C. He was interested in learning. D. He was very warm-hearted.

  65. What’s the best title for this passage?

  A. Snowflake Photos B. ‘Snowflake’ Bentley

  C. Long and Hard Winters D. Teenage Photographer


  A. I usually looked down to hide my shame (羞愧).

  B. Let them see the beauty that is inside.

  C. I was always the “monster”.

  D. The jpgt my mom gave me lives on in my children.

  E. I began to rely on that saying.

  I was 15 months old, a happy kid, until the day I fell. It was a bad fall. I landed on a piece of glass that cut my eye badly. My mom found a doctor who knew that if the eye were taken away, my face would look ugly, so my scarred (有疤痕的), sightless, cloudy gray eye lived on with me.

  Sometimes people asked me embarrassing questions. When kids played games, 66 I grew up imagining that everyone looked down on me.

  Yet Mom would say to me: “Hold your head up high and face the world.” 67

  As a child, I thought Mom meant, “Be careful or you will fall down or knock into something because you are not looking.” As a teenager, 68 But I found that when I held my head up high, people liked me.

  In high school I even became monitor of my class, but on the inside I still felt like a monster. All I really wanted was to look like everyone else. When things got really bad, I would cry to my mom and she would look at me with loving eyes and say: “Hold your head up high and face the world. 69 ”

  When I met the man who became my husband, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.

  My mom’s love was the spark (火花) that gave me confidence. I had faced trouble, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep pity for others.

  “Hold your head up high” has been heard many times in my home. I say it to my children. 70

  VIII. 写作:本大题共三部分,计35分。


  71、This term I had many new English /ˈtekstbʊks/.

  72、Many students usually make mistakes in / ˈgræmə(r) /

  73、As an old saying goes , “ / ˈnɒlɪdʒ / is power .”

  74、You should pay a to your pronunciation.

  75、The restroom is on the c of Main and Center streets.

  76、It’s a tradition for us to a the moon on Mid-Autumn night.

  77、If you ask your teacher , “where is the bookstore ?” it may sound (不礼貌的)

  78、My parents are always taking (骄傲) in everything good I do.

  79、The most common things , from paper to (陶土) to bamboo ,are turned into objects of beauty.

  80、Chinese people use (筷子)to eat something .

  B. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子。共5小题,计10分


  ______________________is a good way to study English. (listen)


  The doctor smoking . ( warn )


  We are busy these days . ( ask )


  Finally , Tom’s parents send him to a boarding school . (make)


  When the leaves are ready , they and then are sent for processing .

  C:书面表达: 共1 小题。计15 分

  迈克(Mike)过去英语成绩不太好,课堂上听不懂老师讲的、不会发音、不会语法、爱睡觉、不交作业、、、、、、他甚至想放弃英语。但在老师和同学的帮助下,他下决心努力学习。现在他变化了很多,并且成了班上英语成绩优秀的学生。请根据下表和提示词,以 Never give up 为题写一篇70-90词的短文。号召大家不要轻言放弃,要变问题为挑战,勇敢面对。

  提示词:used to hand in now with the help of decide work hard at

  in the past How now

  poor in English

  can’t 、、、

  don’t 、、、

  learn by、、、 top student

