
更新于:2021年05月25日 高中学习方法 > 学习方法 > 高一学习方法 > 高一英语 >

  78. He should have offered to pay ---- he has plenty of money, ______.

  79. They serve well in this restaurant. __________dishes, they taste terrible.

  六、完成句子 根据提供的意思,完成句子。(共10分,每格0.5分)


  He is so seriously ill that ___ was not clear ____ ____ ____ he will come.


  Spaceship ______ ________ ________ for us to travel to the moon.


  ______ _______ ______ _______ nuclear radiation, many Japanese are worried about safety.


  I ______ ______ ______ tell the truth _____ he interrupted me


  The teacher won’t _____ students ______ ______ ______ _______ in the exam.



  高考资源网 Mr. Wang,

  I’m glad to tell you I’m back in London and how pleased I am

  to have met you and your family _____ my stay in your beautiful town. 85._________

  _____ pleased me most was the visit to the museum and the old 86. ________

  country houses. I’d really like to keep in ____ with all of you and 87. _________

  I hope you won’t mind _____ (写信) to me again. 88. ________

  In fact, I didn’t have as good a journey as ______ (预料). 89. _________

  There were some weather problems, w______ caused the delay of my 90. _________

  flight. Then I had to c______ planes in Berlin. And something 91. _________

  _____(令人失望的) happened to my baggage. When I got to London, 92. _________

  it was s_______ left in Berlin. Anyway, please accept my thanks again 93. __________

  and give my best r________ to your family. 94. _________

  Yours sincerely,







  生词:净化purify;缺水water shortage;污染pollute;采取措施take measures

  注意:1.包括以上要点. 2.不要逐字逐条翻译,可以适当增加细节。3.用学过的高级表达法 4.字数120词左右;


  英 语 试 卷 答案


  1—5 BBAAC 6-10.BCABC 11-15.ACBCA 16-20 BABCA


  21-25. ACBCB 26-30. DCCDB 31-33. DCC


  34-38.BCDCA 39-43.CDBBC 44-48.CDBAB 49-53.CADAD


  54-57.CDBB 58-61.BDCB 62-65CAAC 66-69.DADC


  70. keeps his word 71. account for 72. Now that 73. in time 74. take a chance 75. broke out 76. settle down 77. rather than 78. after all 79. As for


  80. it whether or not 81. makes it possible 82. As a result of 83. was about to when 84. have getting away with cheating


  85. during 86. What 87. touch 88. writing 89. expected 90. which 91. change 92.disappointing 93. still 94. regards


  One possible version,

  It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without water. Water is very important to all living things. There would be no life without water.

  Water shortage has become a serious problem. One reason for this is that the growing population and the development of industry and agriculture need much more water. Another is that water is being wasted in some areas.

  Therefore, measures must be taken to solve this problem. First of all, we must make good use of water and avoid polluting it. In addition, we can get useful water through purifying rain water or sea water.



  第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  1. What does the man advise the woman to do this weekend?

  A. Go camping B. Stay home C. Go swimming

  2. How much should the woman play?

  A. $16 B. $18 C. $20

  3. Which sports does the woman like?

  A. Skating. B. Swimming C. Boating.

  4. How does the woman usually go shopping?

  A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot

  5. Where will the woman go?

  A. To a clothing store. B. To a party. C. To the bank.




  6. Where are the speakers?

  A. In a car. B. In the open air. C. At a hotel.

  7. When does the conversation take place?

  A. At night. B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning.

  8. Why do the speakers decide to go home?

  A. .They feel a bit hungry. B. There is too much noise. C. It is very late.


  9. What did make do last night?

  A. He went to the police station. B. He drove into a drugstore and broke it up.

  C. He went shopping with his girlfriend.

  10. Who did Mike have a quarrel with?

  A. A storekeeper. B. A policeman. C. His girlfriend.

  11. Where is Mike now?

  A. In a store. B. At the police station. C. At home.


  12. In which month is the ticket to Madrid most expensive?

  A. March. B. July. C. May.

  13. How much should two people pay for the tickets if they go to Madrid in June?

