
更新于:2021年06月03日 初中学习方法 > 学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级英语 >

  C. Aphrodite tied the little boy to her body so that he would not get lost.

  D. The goat god Pan tied them together.

  ( ) 13. What god was Aphrodite?

  A. The god of love. B. The god of hope.

  C. The god of war. D. The god of desire.

  ( ) 14. If Tom was born on March 8th, 1983, he may share the following characteristics EXCET being __________.

  A. generous B. easy-going C. creative D. smart

  ( ) 15. What’s the best title for this article?

  A. A War Lasting Ten Years B. A Story about Pisces

  C. The Gods and the Monster D. Aphrodite and Eros



  A. 根据句意和汉语提示,用正确的单词填空。

  1. Lang Lang is a _________ (天生的) pianist and of course, his hard work also helps him achieve such great success.

  2. Jim’s father is a _________ (总的) manager in a big computer company.

  3. Li Hong came first in the 100-metre _________ (赛跑) in the sports meeting last week.

  4. The young man is trying to be a _________ (先锋) in the field of high technology.

  5. The product of this company has reached the international _________ (标准), so it sells well all over the world.

  6. It’s a tradition for a Chinese family to buy a new _________ (挂历) when the new year is drawing near.

  7. When the star _________ (出现) on the stage, the fans all screamed excitedly.

  8. Many business people prefer to choose the _________ (高速的) train, though it means that they need to pay more money for the ticket.


  1.We can’t find the differences between these two people_______________(easy).

  2.As a secretary, Miss Luo is well_______________(organize).

  3.It’s necessary for us to get enough sleep if we want to be______________(energy).

  4.She is busy, yet she still takes an____________(act)part in charity activities.

  5.Song Zuying has a beautiful voice and she is a __________(birth)singer.

  6. ―It's a fine day, isn't it?

  ―Yes. Why not (go) fishing in the country?

  7. Many teenagers often go to school without ( have) breakfast. It is not good for


  8. It is important for us (take) action to prevent A-Flu-HINI (甲型H1N1流感)


  9. (lucky) ,the sick boy had a successful operation at last.

  10.Taizhou is developing quickly. A number of (visit) around the world come here

  every year.


  1. 人生就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。

  Life is ________________________.

  2. 12个生肖每个代表一农历年,它们顺序固定,而且这一循环每12年往复一次。

  Each of the 12 animal signs ___________. They ___________ and the cycle repeats every 12 years.


  As a teacher, she ______________, so she must ________________.


  In the exam, we should _________________ before solving each problem.


  Our monitor ______________________ came to help us.

  6. 据说每位出生在狗年的人对主人很衷心。

  __________________ very loyal to his master.



  “USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in?”

  We often hear such discussions. As important, Without, thousands, hot, nearer, why, much, away, Nothing, year

  China opens its door, studying abroad has become a dream for many Chinese students. They would like to know the world well.

  It’s true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Their foreign language skills will be improved and it may be easier to find jobs.

  But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time learning another language and getting used to a different culture.

  Students must also learn to live without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they haven’t had to do before, like looking after themselves. There are reports about Chinese students abroad running into an oce an of difficulties and giving up finally. When they have to take care of themselves, it is hard for students to study well.

  Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden(负担)to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth it?

  We know that there are many famous people who have achieved success through their hard work in China.

  Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American teacher invited him there, but he refused.

  He kept training hard with his Chinese teacher. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, think again.

  Title: Studying at home or study 1 ?

  Phenomenon(现象) Studying abroad has become a 2 for Chinese students.

  Advantages It is helpful for Chinese students to 3 themselves.

  It is helpful for Chinese students to 4 foreign language skills.

  It enables(使…能够) Chinese students to find jobs more 5 .

  6 It 7 Chinese students too much time to learn a foreign language.

  It’s hard for Chinese students to get used to the life abroad 8 parents’ care.

  Parents may be under pressure(压力)because the cost of studying abroad is very 9

  Purpose: To tell us studying abroad is not the only way to be 10 by describing Liu Xiang’s example.


  There is nothing more i 1 to life than the sun. W 2 the sun, all living things on the earth would die. The sun is a star. In the sky there are t 3 of stars like the sun. They are as large as the sun and as hot as the sun. At night you can see many stars, but in the day you can

  o 4 see one star------ the sun.

  The sun is much n 5 to us than any other star. That is w 6 it looks the biggest an d brightest of all the stars. The distance (距离) of the sun from the earth is as m 7 as 150,000,000 kilometers. Most stars are thousands of light-years a 8 from the earth.

