
更新于:2021年07月15日 高中学习方法 > 学习计划 > 高一学习方法 > 高一英语 >


  When I was in seventh grade, I was a candy striper(志愿做护士助手的小姑娘) at a local hospital in my town. Most of the 36 I spent there was with Mr. Gillespie. He never had any 37 and nobody seemed to care about his 38 .

  I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him, __39__ anything that needed to be done. He became a close friend of mine, 40 he responded with only an occasional squeeze(捏) of my hand. Mr. Gillespie was in a coma (昏迷).

  I left for a week to vacation with my parents, and when I came back, Mr. Gillespie was 41 . I didn’t have the 42 to ask any of the nurses where he was, for fear they might 43 me he had died.

  Several 44 later, when I was a junior in high school, I was at the gas station when I noticed a familiar face. When I 45 who it was, my eyes filled with tears. He was 46 ! I built up the courage to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie. With a(n) 47 look on his face, he replied yes. I 48 how I knew him, and that I had spent many hours talking with him in the hospital. His eyes welled up with tears, and he gave me the warmest hug I had ever 49 .

  He began to tell me how, 50 he lay there comatose, he could hear me talking to him and could 51 me holding his hand the whole time. Mr. Gillespie 52 believed that it was my voice and 53 that had kept him alive.

  Although I haven’t 54 him since, he fills my heart with 55 every day. I know that I made a difference between his life and his death.

  36. A. money B. energy C. time D. effort

  37. A. visitors B. relatives C. patients D. problems

  38. A. interest B. requirement C. condition D. thought

  39. A. talking about B. looking for C. pointing out D. helping out

  40. A. so B. even though C. yet D. as if

  41. A. dead B. mad C. gone D. excited

  42. A. right B. chance C. courage D. time

  43. A. cheat B. tell C. remind D. warn

  44. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years

  45. A. realized B. wondered C. heard D. asked

  46. A. great B. alive C. successful D. lucky

  47. A. happy B. uncertain C. nervous D. proud

  48. A. apologized B. remembered C. explained D. told

  49. A. dreamed B. shown C. wanted D. received

  50. A. because B. if C. unless D. as

  51. A. notice B. feel C. imagine D. appreciate

  52. A. hardly B. rightly C. firmly D. wrongly

  53. A. humour B. worry C. touch D. treatment

  54. A. forgotten B. called C. missed D. seen

  55. A. joy B. regret C. respect D. honour




  English is a very interesting language. It has borrowed words from many other languages. Immigrants(移民) coming into the United States have contributed many words to the language, which have kept their original pronunciation. “Coolie” and “kowtow” were taken from the Chinese language, “kamikaze from the Japanese, “shampoo” from India, “blitz” from German, “amigo” and “Los Angeles” from Spanish and so on.

  Many students have studied English for years, some as many as eight. However, some students still have difficulty in speaking fluent English. Some know many words but are unable to discern them when native speakers use them. In our Oral English classes we will focus on speaking and listening to native English speakers. For this reason, because we are trying to train your ears to hear English and your mouths to speak intelligible (易理解的) English, we will have a rule that ONLY ENGLISH will be spoken in our English classes. Anyone speaking Chinese in class will be required to pay a fine in order to encourage the speaking and understanding of English. If teachers enter a classroom and discover that anyone is speaking Chinese, they will require everyone in the room to pay the fine. It is everyone’s job to enforce the English-Only rule. It is for your benefit. It is because we want to accustom (使习惯于) your ears to hearing English.

  Other subjects may be learned solely from books but the only way to learn a foreign language is to SPEAK IT! Students are often nervous about speaking in class at first but we hope to make the classes fun, so you will forget your nervousness and learn to speak out. Enjoy your classes.

  56. The first paragraph is mainly about________.

  A. the difficulty of learning English. B. how interesting and various English is

  C. different words in different languages D. the immigrants’ contributions to America

  57. The underlined word “discern” in Para 2 can be replaced by___________.

  A. understand B. notice C. hear D. speak

  58. In the author’s opinion, the only way to learn a language well is to__________.

  A. listen to it on the radio B. learn it from books C. play games with it D. speak it often

  59. The article is probably aimed at________.

  A. Japanese students B. German students

  C. Chinese students D. Indian students


  World Car Free Day is a very important day on the environmental calendar. Every September 22, governments, green groups and ordinary citizens stress the damage cars are doing to the earth. The day is a reminder that we do not need to rely so much on cars. Those who take part in the activity hope that we all should realize we do not have to accept our car-controlled society.

  Carlos Pardo from Colombia’s Sustainable Urban Transport Project said, “World Car Free Day is not only a celebration of fun ways to get around the city, but a demonstration of traffic-free streets and clean air is possible. But we do not want just one day of celebration and then a return to normal life. When people get out of their cars, they should stay out of their cars. It is up to us, our cities and our governments to help create lasting change to benefit walkers, cyclists and other people who do not drive cars. ”

