
更新于:2022年03月08日 高中学习方法 > 学习计划 > 高一学习方法 > 高一英语 >

  M: I don’t know. Maybe several years later. Or maybe next ye ar.That all depends.

  W: Depends on what?

  M: It depends on whether my mom will recover or not. If she is still ill, I cannot leave her to work in China.

  (Text 8)

  M: I’d like to congratulate you on your wonderful performance.

  W: Thank you very much.

  M: I read about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you play. I have travelled many miles and I’m very glad I made the effort.You played the piano beautifully. What are your next plants?

  W: At present I’m giving a lot of concerts. Fortunately people want to come and hear me play, but I’m getting very tired of travelling.

  M: Why are you working so hard?

  W: I’m planning to start a school, so I’m trying to save as much money as possible.

  M: What kind of school?

  W: A music school for disabled children, I think they have the right to receive an education just like any other children. At the moment there are very few such schools in my country. Unfortunately it will cost a lot of money to start one.

  M: But I’m sure a lot of people will support you, I hope you will be able to realize your dream.

  (Text 9)

  M: Ivy, how do you like your new apartment?

  W: Well, I wish I hadn’t moved in. The man who lives upstairs often plays the piano till midnight. I really cannot stand it.

  M: Why don’t you ask him to stop?

  W: I’ve tried, but it doesn’t work. He never listens to me.What’s worse, he isn’t the only one that I cannot stand. The woman who lives across the hall often comes over to borrow things, but she seldom returns anything.

  M: Then don’t lend her anything.

  W: Now I don’t even open the door when she knocks, but it makes me uncomfortable. I’m afraid I’ll have to move again.

  M: You can move in with my sister Susan.The girl Jennifer who was sharing her apartment has moved out, so she has an extra room now.

  W: That’s great.Your sister is such a good girl. Everyone likes her. I’ll call her and move as soon as possible. After all, I need to sleep very well every night in order to do well in the coming exam.

  (Text 10)

  Hi! I am a boy from England. I have a big family, my dad, mom, elder sister and younger brother. I’d like to tell you a little about our everyday life.

  The day starts at about 7 o’clock when Dad and Mom get up. We have breakfast at 8 o’clock. After breakfast, my sister, my brother and I put on our school uniforms and go to school. Dad goes to work by car. Mom, my sister, my brother and I go to school by bus. My mom works in a hospital near our school. School starts at 9:00am and it is over at 3:15 pm. After we get home, my sister, brother and I usually watch TV. Dad usually gets home at about 6:30 pm. We eat dinner at about 7:00 pm. In the evening, my sister, my brother and I usually do our homework before watching TV again. Mom helps us with our homework. On Saturday, my brother goes to the football club, my sister goes to dance classes, and I go to the basketball club. On Sunday, we usually go to the park or movies together.


  第Ⅰ卷(选择题部分 共85分)


  第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


  1. When will the plane take off ?

  A. At 5 : 15 B. At 5 : 30 C. At 5 : 00

  2. Who might Mr. Peterson be ?

  A. A new professor B. A department head C. A company director

  3. What are the speakers going to do ?

  A. See an exhibition B. Have a meeting C. Listen to a lecture

  4. How much does the pen cost?

  A. 13 yuan B. 27 yuan C. 7 yuan

  5. Why is the man late?

  A. He could not walk fast. B. He failed to catch his bus again. C. His clock stopped.

  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7题。

  6. For whom does the woman probably want to buy a ski jacket?

  A. For her husband. B. For her son. C. For her daughter.

  7. Why doesn’t the woman buy the jacket?

  A. It’s too expensive. B. It’s too big. C. She doesn’t like the colors.

  听下面一段对话, 回答第8和第9题

  8. What do we know about Bob’s illness?

  A. He must have got it in India.

  B. He must have worked too hard.

  C. He must have been badly treated when ill in India.

  9. What is NOT true about Bob’s illness?

  A. He is getting better and better.

  B. He should have seen a doctor earlier.

  C. It was too late to send him to the hospital.

  听下面一段对话, 回答第10至第12题

  10. Why is the man at the shop?

  A. To order a camera for his wife

  B. To have a camera repaired

  C. To get a camera changed

  11. What color does the man want?

  A. Pink B. Black C. Orange

  12. What will the man do afterwards?

  A. Make a phone call B. Wait until further notice C. Come again the next day

  听下面一段对话, 回答第13至第16题

  13. What does the man want to celebrate?

  A. His 18th birthday B. His 19th birthday C. His 20th birthday

  14. Where does the man want to celebrate his birthday?

  A. In a bar B. At his home C. In a restaurant

  15. What does the woman suggest?

  A. Making a salad B. Buying some flowers C. Buying some drinks

  16. When will the man order a birthday cake?

  A. On Saturday morning B. On Saturday afternoon C. On Sunday morning

  听下面一段独白, 回答第17至第20题

  17. Who is the speaker?

