
更新于:2022年03月08日 高中学习方法 > 学习计划 > 高一学习方法 > 高一英语 >

  “These guys aren’t just firefighters,” says Bateman, “they’re our guardian angels. If they hadn’t installed a smoke detector that first day they came to our house, we wouldn’t have known when the fire started. Then they went the extra ten miles to give us a Christmas.”

  67. What did Qualls do after he received a text message?

  A. He drove to the burning house. B. He hurried to the fire station.

  C. He went to pick out jpgts. D. He went shopping in Beechmont.

  68. Who saved JoJo out of the burning house?

  A. Bobby Qualls. B. Leonard Tubbs. C. Kimberly Bateman. D. Firefighters.

  69. We can infer from the reading that _______.

  A. JoJo is a naughty child B. smoke detectors are very useful

  C. Tubbs’ home is filled with jpgts D. the fire was caused by the bare mattress

  70. The purpose of this story is to _______.

  A. encourage people to install smoke detectors

  B. advise people to take good care of their children

  C. ask people to give jpgts to the firemen

  D. praise the firemen for their good deeds


  第一部分 :单词拼写(共10题,每题0.5分,总分5分)

  71. The speech contest will be held next Friday. I must make full ___________(准备)for it.

  72. He doesn’t a______________ of me leaving here, but I won’t change my mind.

  73. Climbing Mount Everest is a c______________ task to all mountain climbers.

  74. Have you anything to say in __________(解释)of your rudeness?

  75. We got into an a________________ about whether to go by sea or by air and then asked Mr. Li for advice.

  76. Her father f___________ her to marry the poor boy, which made her very sad.

  77. While the TV is on, it’s hard for me to c_____________ my mind on the homework.

  78. Now that I am fatter, my doctor has advised me to go on d_________.

  79. I was so _____________(尴尬) when I was wakened by my teacher in class.

  80. It is illegal to use the fire alarm except in case of ____________(紧急情况).

  第二部分 :完成句子(共20空,每空0.5分,总分10分)

  81. 丹尼尔双臂抱在胸前,看起来很不高兴。

  Daniel ______ his arms _______ and looks upset.

  82. 很多青少年感到孤独,好像没有人理解他们以及他们正在经历的变化。

  Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they

  are _________ _________.

  83. 爸爸和妈妈度假回来,比预期要早一天。

  Mum and Dad arrive back from vacation a day _______ ______ ______.

  84. 我们非常乐意接受你的建议。We are _____ ______ ready to accept your advice.

  85. 他还告诉我们赢得尊敬的最佳途径就是专心学习并取得好成绩。

  He also told us that the best way______ ________ ________was to _________ourselves ______study and achieve high grades .

  86. 我发现这里布置的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校时那么繁重。

  I found that the homework ______ not _______ heavy________ _________ I used to get in my old school.

  87. 她一进入房间便坐下来看书。

  __________ _______ the room ,she sat down and began to read.

  第三部分:任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)


  Parents can help their seventh and eighth grade students stand out in and out of their English classroom by introducing them to newspapers. Newspapers not only offer information on current events, but they can also be used to test your child's knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and more.

  Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How

  Have your child read the first couple of paragraphs of a news story. Ask them to write down all of the important facts, such as who, what, where, when, why and how. This helps parents to see if their children comprehend the basic facts and information they read.


  Parents can monitor a child's understanding of grammatical parts of speech (词性) without a grammar textbook. Ask your child to read a paragraph in an article and then list a specific number of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions and the like, which serves more of a test of their grammatical knowledge. Encourage them to list each of these parts of speech in a paragraph. Then, reread the paragraph to see if they missed anything.


  Ask your child to select an advertisement from the newspaper. Have them investigate how specific words or phrases influence their feelings about a particular product. Then, encourage them to create an advertisement of their own for an item they do not like. Tell them not to show their true feelings and try to make people want to buy this unwanted item. After that, ask them to list the persuasive techniques used in their ad.

  Facts vs Opinions

  Select an editorial for your middle schooler to read. Have your child divide a piece of paper into two columns, one marked fact, and the other marked opinion. Have your student decide which column it fits under. This will help your child better understand facts versus opinions. Another related exercise is responding to an editorial. Encourage your child to write letters to the editor or responses to editorials or other articles. Before your child sends his or her letter, check the opinion section to see what requirements there are.

  Headlines and Synonyms (同义词)

  Ask your middle schooler to rewrite a couple of headlines using the synonyms of the original words. Compare the headlines. Do the original versions or the rewrites sound better? This is a great exercise to help students learn synonyms and expand their vocabulary.

  If you find your seventh or eighth grade child is struggling with these newspaper activities, it may be an indicator that they have fallen behind in their reading skills. These activities were designed with a seventh or eighth grader in mind; therefore, while they are educational, they should be more of reinforcement (增强) instead of a major reading challenge.

