
更新于:2022年10月16日 初中学习方法 > 学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级英语 >



  Reading and vocabulary


  Work in pairs.Talk about the picture.


  Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.


  a)A special dinner


  b)An American festival


  c)The history of the festival


  d)Things to do during the festival




  Thanksgiving is an American festival. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a time for a special dinner among family and friends.0 People make short speeches and give thanks for their food.


  We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth century. While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died, and after they landed, their first winter was worse than any English winter. The local people, the Native Americans. taught the pioneers how to grow corn. The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food.


  We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a traditional dinner. The kitchen is always the most crowded room in our house because we all help prepare the food, We lay the table, and then before we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food,so we remember why we celebrate the festival. We usually eat too much,but it is only once a year! We often talk a lot and tell stories after dinner as well. When it is all over ,everyone helps wash the dishes.


  The festival is a very busy time for travel when friends and families come together to celebrate. During the festival, there are plenty of other things to see and do. We live in New York City,and we go to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The parade goes along several streets and finishes at the famous Macy's store. Thanksgiving is the start of the Christmas season,and we start shopping for presents. Football is also imloortant at Thanksgiving, with many teams playing games. Like many Americans,we usually watch the games on television and enjoy ourselves very much.



  1.Because he was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (×)

  Because he was ill yesterday, he didn’t go to work. (√)

  He was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (√)

  [析] 用though, but表示“虽然……,但是…… ”或用because, so 表示“因为……,所以……”时,though和but 及because和so 都只能择一而用,不能两者同时使用。

  2.The Smiths have moved Beijing. (×)

  The Smiths have moved to Beijing. (√)

  [析] 不及物动词后接名词或代词作宾语时,要在动词之后加上适当的介词;但不及物动词后接home, here, there等副词作宾语时,动词之后不必加任何介词。

  3.The box is too heavy for him to carry it. (×)

  The box is too heavy for him to carry. (√)

  [析] the box既是这句话的主语, 也是不定式to carry的逻辑宾语,若句末再加上it,就和the box重复了。

  4.Each of the boys have a pen. (×)

  Each of the boys has a pen. (√)

  [析] 复数名词前有表个体的each of, one of, every,either of等词组修饰,或有表否定的neither of, none of 等词组修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。


  Neither he nor you is good at English. (×)

  Neither he nor you are good at English. (√)

  [析] either... or..., neither... nor..., not only..., but also... 等词组连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则”, 即由靠近谓语的那个主语决定谓语的人称和数用何种形式。

  6.Ten minus three are seven. (×)

  Ten minus three is seven. (√)

  [析] 用英语表示加(plus)、减(minus)等数学运算时,谓语动词也用单数形式。

  7.The number of the workers in this factory are about 5,000. (×)

  The number of the workers in this factory is about 5,000. (√)

  [析] the number of表示“……的数量”,谓语动词用单数形式;a number of 的意思是“若干”或“许多”,相当于some或a lot of,和复数名词连用,谓语动词用复数形式。

  8. 例. Hello! I have important something to tell you. (×)

  Hello! I have something important to tell you. (√)

  [析] 形容词或动词不定式修饰不定代词作定语时,修饰成分要置于不定代词之后。

  9. His son is enough old to go to school. (×)

  His son is old enough to go to school. (√)

  [析] enough作形容词修饰名词时,可以放在名词前,也可放在名词后;作副词修饰形容词或副词时,只能放在形容词或副词之后。

  10.. Here is your sweater, put away it.(×)

  Here is your sweater, put it away. (√)

  [析] put away, pick up, put on等“动词+副词”构成的词组后接代词作宾语时,代词只能放在动词和副词之间。

