
更新于:2022年10月19日 初中学习方法 > 学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级英语 >





  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


  ( )1. A. What good news. B. I like it. C. We are excited

  ( )2. A. Please be proud . B. That’s really fantastic..C. It’s a pleasure

  ( )3. A. Let’s work hard. B. In genreal ,we are in good health.

  C. It’s a great moment for us

  ( )4. A Thanks a lot . B. It doesn’t matter . C. I think so.

  ( )5. A. I will prove that it’s difficult. B. I will prove that’s impossible.

  C. I will prove that I can do it .


  ( )1 A.Because he can’t follow . B.Because he speaks too fast .

  C.Because he speaks more slowly .

  ( )2. A.She will punish Xiao Zeng . B. She will realize her mistakes.

  C.She will fight with Xiao Zeng .

  ( )3. A. Consider the topic→draw up an outline→write the composition→check carefully.

  B.Consider the topic→ check carefully→ draw up an outline→write the composition.

  C.Consider the topic→draw up an outline→check carefully→write the composition.

  ( )4. A.Because he is in a strange place . B.Because he feels excited .

  C.Because his hometwon has changed a lot.

  ( )5. A.Because she had sore eyes. B.Because she didn’t sleep well at night .

  C.Because she didn’t preview the new lesson last night.


  ( )1. Miss Evans taught physics at a school in .

  A.London B. the country . C. Washington .

  ( )2st month, Miss Evans was explaining to his students about .

  A.sound . B.gravity . C.weitht .

  ( )3. The cleverest boy thought sound was than electricity .

  A.fast B.slower C.faster

  ( )4. Miss Evans thought answer was right .

  A. her sister’s B.the boy’s C.the girl’s

  ( )5. Betty thought the cleverest boy was wrong ,because .

  A.electricity is slower than sound .

  B. .electricity is faster than sound .

  C.clocks in Washington showed a different time from those in London .

  二、单项选择(15分,每小题1分) 从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。

  ( )1. —Listen! .

  —Oh,let's go to the classroom

  A. There goes the bell B. There's the bell

  C. There the bell goes D. The bell goes there

  ( )2. My parents and I have come back from our hometown.

  A. ever B. never C. just D. often

  ( )3. — Who was it _____?

  — Thomas Edison.

  A. invented by B. invented from C. invented of D. invented in

  ( )4. my daughter is only five years old, she can read and write.

  A. But B. And C. Though D. So

  ( )5. — _____ my teacher’s help, I made great progress.

  — You should thank her.

  A. Under B. With C. Without D. For

  ( )6. —Could you please tell me ?

  —I do a lot of things every day.

  A. what do you do B. what did you do

  C. what you do D. what you did

  ( )7. That story sounds _____.

  A. interest B. interests C. interesting D. interested

  ( )8. _____ playing computer too much is bad for your study and health.

  A. No doubt that B. There is no doubt that

  C. There are no doubt that D. There isn’t doubt that

  ( )9. —_______ was the population of China in 2005?

  — About 1.3 billion, I’m sure of that.

  A. What B. How much

  C. How many D. What size

  ( )10. — Do you like your parents, Maria?

  —Of course. Though they love me a lot, they are ________me.

  A. worried about B. interested in

  C. good for D. strict with

  ( )11.Mr. Wang spent two hours ______ TV yesterday.

  A. watch B. watching C. watched D. to watch( )12. He can’t help _____ the answers when he can’t work out the problems.

  A. turn to B. to turn C. turning to D. turned to

  ( ) 13. The bus kept the people _____ for twenty minutes.

  A. wait B. waits C. to wait D. waiting

  ( ) 14.— Our holiday cost a lot of money.

  — Did it? Well, it doesn’t matter _ ____ we enjoyed ourselves.

  A. unless B. so C. as long as D. so that

  ( ) 15.— What are we supposed to do first if we want to develop our village?

  — Lots of new roads _____, I think.

  A. must built B. can build C. can be built D. must be built


  阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。

  Ben and his classmates are watching a DVD about the environment. A long time ago , most towns and villages were very small . The number of people 1 lived in every country was much smaller than it is today, too. There was 2 heavy industry . People did not use chemicals .There were no motor vehicles and there were no factories . So there was very 3 polution .

  Sadly , our environment is much dirtier than 4 was in the past . This is a 5 because the best way for us to be healthy is to live in a clean environment .

  The air and water are much dirtier than they 6 be . The chemical factories and cars 7 terrible gas .The water 8 with chemicals from the factories and ships .This means we are destroying our home little by little .http://www.xiezuoyi.com/

  In the DVD we will try to find ways to 9 our environment cleaner and find ways to stop future polution .We hope you will learn 10 you can help make the world a cleaner and healthier place.

  ( )1.A.who B. which C. whose D. whom

  ( )2.A. not B. no C. few D. a few

  ( )3.A. much B. many C. a little D. little

  ( )4.A. he B.she C. one D. it

  ( )5.A. question B. bridge C. problem D. difficulty

  ( )6.A. used to B. are used to C. were used to D. was used to

  ( )7.A. clone B. afford C. take D. produce

