
更新于:2022年10月19日 初中学习方法 > 学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级英语 >

  6.Make sure that all (垃圾) should be put into the dustbin.

  7. We should learn a lot and master some (基础)skills when we are learning.

  8. Computers are used in business to place and (删除)orders .

  9.When a child makes a little progress in studying , we should (表扬)him for it.

  10. What’s the (人口)of Laibin City ? It’s more than 2,450,000.



  Something must be to our school clean and didy .


  sending Chang’eⅠinto space successfully , China’s space industry is getting stronger and stronger.


  Let’s work hard together to a great contribution to a harmonious society(和谐社会) .


  Computers are for working and by many people .


  We are to a better future for Chinese tomorrow’s space industry .

Get ready ,China . The world is coming! Every day lots of foreigners come here as business people or 1 . And even more people will come in 2008 2 the Beijing Olympics . When they come to China , we should do something to help them 3 themselves and like China and the Chinese people .But there are some things they not like :

  1. The traffic problems .Cars park on sidewalks .Bus driers drive so fast 4 they make people who try to cross the street afraid .

  2.Queue jumping(插队) . At the post office , or even at McDonald’s , people push to the front of a line 5 of waiting .

  3.Bumping(拥挤) .Too many people are 6 into buses and trains .This make people feel terrible ,and it is not safe, 7 .On a bus in North America , people try to make themselves smaller and they will 8 “ Excuse me ” or “ Sorry ” if they knock into(撞) someone . In China , people make themselves bigger with no “Sorry” or “Excuse me”.

  4. Littering .Some people throw rubbish onto the ground even when there is a rubbish bin right 9 to them .

  Most Chinese people are just unhappy with these kinds of things . And certainly , the government has 10 the problem and is trying to do something about them . 23 期任务阅读

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


  根据以下所给中英文提示,以“I Love Our School” 为题写一篇短文。

  我们学校是一所乡村学校,它建于10年前。现在校内有两幢建筑物,一幢是教学楼, 另一幢是个图书馆。在它们的前面有一个运动场。放学后,我们经常在运动场上打篮球。每年春天, 我们在学校周围种上很多树,在花园里种上一些花。最近5年,我们学校发生了很大的变化,学校越来越漂亮了。

  1. a countryside school, was built ,

  2. there be , big teaching buildings , one…., the other….

  3. in front of, playground ,play basketball

  4. every spring, plant, trees, flowers, around the school,

  5. take place,more and more beautiful.

  注意:1. 词数 70—80 。不得出现真实的地名、人名。

  2. 必须用上所给英文提示。

  3. 只抄提示词不得分。

  I Love Our School





  1—5 ACACB 6—10 CCBAD 11—15 BCDCD

  三、完形填空(10分,每小题1分) 1—5 ABDDC 6—10 ADCCB

  四、阅读理解。(1—5 题,每小题1分,6—15 小题,每小题2分小题,共25分) 1—5 FTFTT 6—10 ABDCD 11—15 CACBD


  1. trouble 2. doubt 3. prevent 4. weak 5. hero 6. rubbish / litter / wastes

  7. basic 8. cancel 9. praise 10. population


  1.done keep / make 2.Thanks to / Because of 3.make, building / making 4.used studying / learning 5.looking forward

  七、综合填空: 1. travellers 2.for 3.enjoy 4.that 5. instead 6.crowded

  7.either 8.say 9.next 10.known


  Our school is a countryside school. It was built ten years ago. There are two big buildings in our school. One is a teaching building , the other is a library. There is a playground in front of them . We often play basketball on it after school. Every spring we plant many trees around the school and we also plant some flowers in the school garden . Great changes have taken place in our school in the last five years. Now our school is getting more and more beautiful. I love our school.




  1.Listen to the news . China has sent up Shengzhou Ⅵ spaceship into space .

  2.The two cities are connected by the railway .

  3.It’s necessary for us to have a physical examination each year .

  4. We make computers serve our lives better in the future .

  5.Because of the bad weather , we have to cancel the sports meet .


  1.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng landed on the earth successfully on October 17,2005.

  2. Thank you for your introduction about this technology.

  3.How are you feeling after a long space journey ?

  4.It’s very important to master technology .

  5.I don’t think you can fix the tiny computer by yourself .


  1.A:Excuse me ,Mr. Li. Would you please speak a little more slowly ?

  B:Sorry .

  Q:Why does the man say sorry ?

  2. A:You fought with Xiao Zeng, didn’t you?

  B:Yes, Miss Wang.But you don’t know the truth of the matter .

  A:In a word , it’s not right to fight with each other .At first, you should realize your mistake.

  As for Xiao Zeng , I’ll punish him .

  Q:What will Miss Wang do with Xiao Zeng ?

  3. A:Mr. Yang , can you give me some advice on how to write an English composition ?

