
更新于:2022年10月19日 初中学习方法 > 学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级英语 >

  B:First, you should consider the topic carefully. Then , an outline ought to be drawn up . After that , you can write your composition .Finally , check it carefully .

  A:Thank you, Mr. Yang. I’ll follow your suggestion .

  Q:When you write your composition, which are the right steps ?

  4. A:How long have you been away from our hometwon, John ?

  B:For nearly 20 years .

  A:Oh, that’s a long time. Great changes have taken place in our hometwon .You should come back to have a look . I’m sure when you reach our hometwon, you’ll think you’re in a strange place.

  Q:Why will John think he is in a strange place ?

  5. A:Rita, why didn’t you raise your hand in class ?

  B:I didn’t preview the new lesson last night. I dare not answer the teacher’s question . I’m afraid of making mistakes.

  A:You should do as your teacher asks next time .

  B:Yes, I will .

  Q:Why didn’t Rita raise her hand in class ?


  Miss Evans taught physics in a London school . Last month she was explaining to one of her students about sound, and she wanted to know if the students understood it . So she said to them, “ Now, I have a sister in Washington . I want to call her on the telephone . If you were 20 meters away and listened to me from the other side of the street when I rang up, who would hear what I said earlier , my sister or you , and why ? ”

  The cleverest boy at once answered , “Your sister, Miss Evans, because electricity travels faster than sound .”

  “Tha’s very good .” Miss Evans answered , but then one of the girls put up her hand , and Miss Evans said, “Yes , Betty ? ” “ I disagree, ” Betty said , “ Your sister would hear you earlier because when it’s eleven o’clock here , it’s only six o’clock in Washington .”

