
更新于:2022年10月28日 初中学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级英语 >

  81. The teens need love from their parents because _____.

  A. they are children B. they don’t know anything

  C. the teen years are filled with worries and struggles D. they don’t have enough money

  82. You can do the following to help your daughter except ______.

  A. never to let your daughter be angry with you B. to set rules with her

  C. to set a good example to your daughter D. to spend time with your daughter

  83. If we want our daughter to have a balanced life, we should _______.

  A. try new things B. try to find a good balance between work and fun in our own life

  C. turn mistakes into lessons D. teach her good values and a sense of responsibility

  84. What does the underlined phrase “ make a difference ” mean?

  A. Be big B. Be greater C. Be different D. Be important

  85. What does the text mainly tell us?

  A. We want to have a happy life. B. The ways parents help the young children in their life.

  C. Parents are important for children. D. We want our children to be healthy.




  86. His words are strongly i________(使印象深刻) on my memory.

  87. What about reading aloud to practice p____________(发音)?

  88. As a teacher, you must c____________(全神贯注) on your work .

  89. The air pollution in this area caused the ________(死亡) of many trees.

  90. He is t________ (害怕)of speaking in public.






  1. May I ask you some questions?

  2. What day is it today?

  3. Thank you very much for telling me about the news.

  4. Mr Wang, let me take your bags.

  5. Mum, this is Miss Wang.

  6. What’s the weather like?



  7. W: What’s the matter, young boy?

  M: I have a headache, doctor.

  Q: Where did the dialogue perhaps take place?

  8. W: Can I help you?

  M: I’m looking for a sweater for my son. How much is this blue one?

  W: Thirty-five dollars.

  M: What about the brown one?

  W: Forty dollars.

  Q: Which sweater is more expensive in their conversation?

  9. W: Tom, could you tell me where your father works?

  M: He works in a TV factory. What about your father, Mary?

  W: In a children’s hospital.

  Q: What’s Mary’s father?

  10. W: Jim, Are you free this Saturday? Mike and I are going to the movie.

  M: Sorry, I’m getting ready for the English exam.

  Q: Who won’t go to see the movie on Saturday?

  11. M: Do you know Mrs White when she will come back?

  W: Let me see. She won't be back until four.

  Q: When will Mrs White come back?

  12. W: John, you are late for school again. Did you get up very late?

  M: Sorry, Miss Li. This morning I get up very early, but there is too much traffic.

  Q: Why did John arrive at school late?




  Zhao Yang started school in 2000 when he was seven. He was a good student and enjoyed school a lot. But in 2003 Zhao Yang left out of school because his father wanted him to help on the family farm. Zhao Yang was sad about this. Luckily, Project Hope gave some money to Zhao Yang’s father, and in 2004, Zhao Yang started school again. He has been back at school for four years now and is one of the best students in the class.


  I agree with this idea, especially on the subject of learning English. In my class, there are 55 students, and our English lessons last for 45 minutes. It means that we each cannot have one minute of our teacher’s time! Our English teacher is very great, but she can’t help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.

  It would be much better if we spent the time working on a computer. There are 60 computers in our school. So we each can work by ourselves on the computers. And of course we can learn much more by doing that. Also we can learn about the subjects that we are interested in.



  1-5 :BCCAB 6-10 :CCBAB

  11-15: ACBAC 16-20 :CBACC


  21-25: ADDBB 26-30: BBCBC

  31-35: CBDCD 36-40: AADCA


  41-45: BADAB 46-50: DCDBC

  51-55: BCAAD 56-60 :BCCBD


  61-65: AEGFC


  66-70: DABDB 71-75: BCACB

  76-80: ACBDA 81-85: CABDB


  86.impressed 87.pronunciation


  89.death 90.terrified


